At Arden, we believe that cost shouldn’t prevent you from earning a valuable education. Our degree programmes cost less than the average UK qualification, but we maintain a competitive academic standard of higher education.

We offer flexible funding options for our programmes to ensure students can focus on their studies, rather than stress over finances. Your course fees are determined based on your place of residence, and the type of programme you study.

If you’re a student from England who is enrolling on a course at one of our UK study centres, then you can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan and Maintenance Loan to help pay for your living expenses. If you’re a student from Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland you can find information about obtaining a student loan to cover your costs from your student finance body.

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Admission and visa requirements and differ from country to country. Providing your country of residence helps us in sending you the correct information.
Why do we need this info?
The university may need your number to contact you for additional information.